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Arteriosclerosis Condition in which the walls of arteries became hard and thick, sometimes interfering with blood circulation.
Artery Blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to other tissues of the body.
Atherosclerosis Condition in which fatty deposits accumulate in the lining of the arteries, resulting in restricted, less flexible pathways for the blood.
BMI Stands for "Body Mass Index" which is a measurement of body fat and health risks associated with being overweight. Normal BMI should be in range of 19 to 25. Beyond 27 in BMI are considered as overweight.
Blood Pressure The force of the blood against the walls of the artery.
Cardiac arrest Sudden stopping of circulation by cessation of the heartbeat.
Cardiovascular Relating to the heart and blood vessels.
Cholesterol A fat-like substance in the body that results from either dietary intake or synthesis in the body.
CGI Stands for "Common Gateway Interface"
Coronary arteries Arteries supplying blood to the heart muscle itself.
Coronary artery disease (CAD) Narrowing or blockage of one or more of the coronary arteries resulting in decreased blood supply to the heart.
Diastole Period during the heart cycle in which the muscle relaxes, followed by contraction (systole). In a blood pressure reading, the lower number is the diastolic measurement.
Diastolic pressure The lowest blood pressure reached during the relaxation of your heart. Recorded as the second number in a blood pressure measurement.
Epidemiology The study of disease trends in a defined human population.
HDL cholesterol High-density lipoprotein cholesterol is a type of cholesterol thought to help protect against artherosclerosis; "good" cholesterol.
Hypertension Condition in which the blood is pumped through the body under abnormally high pressure; also known as high blood pressure.
HTML Stands for HyperText Markup Language which is the language that puts the face on the Web.
Lipid Descriptive term for a fat or fat-like substance found in the blood, such as cholesterol.
Lipoproteins Proteins combined with lipids to make them dissolve in blood.
LDL cholesterol Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol provides cholesterol for necessary body functions, but in excessive amounts it tends to accumulate in artery walls; known as "bad" cholesterol.
Obesity Abnormal body weight, usually defined as more than 20 percent above average for age, height and bone structure.
PERL Stands for Practical Extraction and Report Language -- it is a programming language, well known for web-based programming.
Systole The portion of the heart cycle during which the heart muscle is contracting.
Systolic pressure The highest blood pressure produced by the contraction of the heart. Recorded as the first number in your blood pressure measurement.

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