Grade 6 North Carolina Standards
Competency Goal 1: The learner will understand and compute with
rational numbers.
Interactivate Lessons | Objectives |
Practicing Arithmetic
Objective 1.01: Develop number sense for negative rational numbers.
a). Connect the model, number word, and number using a variety of representations, including the number line.
b). Compare and order.
c). Make estimates in appropriate situations.
Fraction Facts
Fractals and the Chaos Game
Tree Diagrams Probability
Statistics and Shopping
Objective 1.02: Develop meaning for percents.
a). Connect the model, number word, and number using a variety of representations.
b). Make estimates in appropriate situations.
Fraction Facts
Objective 1.03: Compare and order rational numbers.
Practicing Arithmetic
Patterns in Pascal's Triangle
Clock Arithmetic and Cryptography
Fraction Facts
Objective 1.04: Develop fluency in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of
non-negative rational numbers.
a). Analyze computational strategies.
b). Describe the effect of operations on size.
c). Estimate the results of computations.
d). Judge the reasonableness of solutions.
Clock Arithmetic and Cryptography
Properties of Fractals
Pascal's Triangle
Patterns in Pascal's
Ojective 1.05: Develop fluency in the use of factors, multiples, exponential notation,
and prime factorization.
Properties of Fractals
Ojective 1.06: Use exponential, scientific, and calculator notation to write very large
and very small numbers.
Objective 1.07: Develop flexibility in solving problems by selecting strategies and using
mental computation, estimation, calculators or computers, and paper and pencil.
Competency Goal 2: The learner will select and use appropriate
tools to measure two- and
three-dimensional figures.
Interactivate Lessons | Objectives |
Length, Perimeter and Area
Surface Area and Volume
Pythagorean Theorem
Fractals and the Chaos Game
Translations, Reflections, and Rotations
Geometry in Tessellations
Introduction to Fractals: Infinity, Self-Similarity and Recursion
Symmetry in Tessellations
Visual Patterns in
Objective 2.01: Estimate and measure length, perimeter, area, angles,, weight, and mass
of two- and three-dimensional figures, using appropriate tools.
Pythagorean Theorem
Geometry in Tessellations
Symmetry in Tessellations
Visual Patterns in
Objective 2.02: Solve problems involving perimeter/circumference and area of plane figures.
Competency Goal 3: The learner will understand and use properties and relationships of
geometric figures in the coordinate plane.
Interactivate Lessons | Objectives |
Geometry in Tessellations
Symmetry in Tessellations
Visual Patterns in Tessellations
Introduction to Fractals: Infinity, Self-Similarity and Recursion
Cartesian Coordinate System
Geometric Fractals
Fractals and the Chaos Game
Irregular Fractals
Graphing and the Coordinate Plane
Cartesian Coordinate System
Objective 3.01: Identify and describe the intersection of figures in a plane.
Objective 3.02: Identify the radius, diameter, chord, center, and circumference of a circle;
determine the relationships among them.
Translations, Reflections, and Rotations
Geometry in Tessellations
Symmetry in Tessellations
Visual Patterns in Tessellations
Introduction to Fractals: Infinity, Self-Similarity and Recursion
Geometric Fractals
Objective 3.03: Transform figures in the coordinate plane and describe the transformation.
The Mandelbrot Set
Length, Perimeter and Area
Lines, Rays, Line Segments, and Planes
Surface Area and Volume
Geometry in Tessellations
Symmetry in Tessellations
Visual Patterns in Tessellations
Introduction to Fractals: Infinity, Self-Similarity and Recursion
Geometric Fractals
Objective 3.04: Solve problems involving geometric figures in the coordinate plane.