Employees and Interns Banner

Employees Emeriti

Dmitri Droukjov


Maria Droukjov
Mathematics Educator


Robert R. Gotwals, Jr.
Computational Science Educator

Bob Gotwals is the Associate Director of the Morehead Planetarium and Science Center in Chapel Hill, NC.

John Heffernan
2002-3 Summer Intern Counselor

John is an in-service teacher.

Wendy L. M. Hunter
Biomedicine Educator

Wendy is now a medical student at the University of North Carolina.

Nicole Lopresto
System Administrator

Nicole now works for IBM.

Eric Niebrzydowski
Business Manager


Alton Patrick
Teaches Shodor Scholars Program

Alton is now in Graduate School at the Georgia Institue of Technology.

Marjorie A. Rudinsky
Education Specialist

Marjorie is presently working for Nortel in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina.

Kevin A. Rumsey
Development Officer


Joseph South
Educational Technology Specialist

Joseph is an now instructional designer for the Center for Instructional Design at Brigham Young University. He is also finishing up a Master's degree in Instructional Psychology and Technology at BYU. He is presently developing web-based instructional materials for high enrollment general education classes. He is a founding member of the Digital Learning Environments Research and Development Group at BYU and is interested in the implementation of pedagogically-flexible, large-scale, web-based instructional systems.


Michael J. South

"In my day job, I'm a computer consultant for a company that installs and configures enterprise resourse planning (ERP) software. But the rest of the time I am busy figuring out how to radically change the way we think about mathematics, the learning/enjoyment of mathematics, and learning in general. Click here for further information on these efforts, a project made possible by the Shodor Foundation."


Dan Warner
Board Member

Allyson West
Allyson is an in-service teacher.

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