Board of Directors

Daniel D. Warner.

Dr. Daniel Warner received his Ph.D. in Mathematics from the University of California at San Diego in 1974 and is currently a professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Clemson University. Dr. Warner has served on a variety of other positions specializing in computer-related activities. He was a programmer for the General Electric Corporation, a programming analyst at Arizona State University, and a computer analyst at Airesearch Corporation before he received his master's degree in 1966. He has also been a Research/Teaching Assistant and Visiting Professor at the University of California at San Diego and spent a short time working as a member of the technical staff of the Computing Mathematics Research Department at Bell Laboratories. He was named a National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow in 1966.

In addition, he was a Lieutenant in Underwater Demolition Team Eleven for the United States Navy until 1970. While serving in the United States Navy, Dr. Warner received a U.S. Navy Commendation and U.S. Navy Achievement Awards. In 1976, Dr. Warner received the Alston S. Householder Award for Doctoral Dissertation: Hermite Interpolation with Rational Functions.

Visit Daniel's homepage.

You can contact Daniel at:

Martin Hall, O-203
Clemson University
Clemson, SC 29634-1907

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