Applet Utility Index

Applet Index

Below is the growing index of all applets and other utilities used in the SUCCEED workshops. Sorted by workshop, then title.

Applet Name Description Workshop(s)
GalaxSee Play with your own galaxy, and see what happens AA; SSP
LunaSee Collection of models to study the moon. AA
RotCurve Play with ratios of dark matter, and other cosmic variables AA
Bridge Designer Allows virtual bridges and trusses to be built EIT
Cross Beam Allows design of beam-based structures to see center of balance EIT
Data Flyer Data graphing utility EIT; MYW; PE; SSP
GraphIt Data graphing utility EIT
Maze Game Direct your robot through a minefield EIT; ME
Projectile Motion Allows prediction of projectile activity EIT
Simple Maze Game Simpler version of Maze Game EIT
Volume Volume calculator EIT
Adjustable Spinner Tunable statistical generator MC
Advanced Monty Hall Probability generator MC
Another Hilbert Curve Generator Fractal demonstrator: deforms line by bending, but uses a different formula than the standard curve generator MC
Chaos Game Controlled version of Sierpinski's Triangle MC
Flake Maker Create your own fractals MC
Fractal Dimension Line-deformation fractals MC
Fractured Pictures Fractal generator, using starting polygon and scale factor MC
Generalized Monty Hall Probability generator with many options MC
Hilbert Curve Generator Fractal demonstrator: deforms line by bending it MC
Julia Set Displays the Julia Set fractals MC
Koch's Snowflake Fractal demonstrator: deforms sides of triangles intoa snowflake-like pattern MC
Mandelbrot Set Displays the Mandelbrot Set MC
Marbles Simple, non-replacing sampling MC
Monty Hall Simple probability demonstrator MC
Race Game - 1 Die Simple game to show probability MC
Race Game - 2 Dice Game to show probability, similar to Race Game - 1 Die MC
Seirpinski's Carpet Fractal generator: every square is divided into 9, cutting out the middle MC
Seirpinski's Triangle Fractal generator: every triangle is divided into 4, cutting out the middle MC
Spinner Random statistical generator MC
Stem & Leaf Plot Data plotting MC;MYW
Tortoise and Hare Demonstrates Zeno's Paradox MC
2 Variable Function Pump Introduces 'prisoners' and 'escapees' for fractals MC
Bar Graph Displays a bar graph of entered data sets ME
Ceasar Cipher Demonstrates the arithmetic behind affine cipher ME
Ceasar Cipher II Guess the arithmetic values behind the affine cipher ME
Circle Graph Displays a pie chart of entered data sets ME
Clock Arithmetic Demonstates modular arithmetic with a clock ME
Comparison Estimator Like Estimator, but comparing between two sets ME
Estimator Hone estimation ability within a tolerance ME
Estimator Four Uses estimation skills to play Connect4-like game ME
General Coordinates Game Teaches Cartesian coordinates through identifying points ME
Histogram Displays variable-scale histogram of entered data sets ME
More or Less Estimator Gives quantity, then requires estimations of object set ME
Piechart Demonstrates how pie charts are used for percentages ME
A Better Fire! Fire! applet, utilizing wind control MYW
Directable Fire! Fire! applet, with 'aiming' ability MYW
Fire! Probabalistic applet using a forest fire MYW
Floor Tiles Observe tesseleation on quadrilaterals MYW
Life Demonstrates population alterations based upon simple rules of when to spawn and die. MYW
Life Lite Similar to Life, but with a simpler interface. MYW
Measures Statistics applet for comparing measurements made on different, related objects MYW
Pixel World Like the game of life, but different MYW
Rabbits & Wolves Demonstrates probabalistic outcomes based on breeding & feeding 'habits' of the animals MYW; SC
Simple Plot Data plotting MYW
SimSurface Electron cooling simulator MYW
Tesselate! Demonstrate tesselations on other polygons MYW
FoilSim Simulates flight characteristics of a wing SSP
LCG Exmaple of random number generators SSP

Created 03 Nov 2003 by Warren Myers for Shodor Education Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved by and to Shodor. Revised 15 Nov 2003.