Vikram Aikat - PHP Portfolio
  • Background Changer
  • This project changes the color of the background of the page. Then, it uses cookies to save the color. When you later go back to the page, the old color will be there.

  • Calendar
  • This program generates a calendar for any given month of any year from 1904 to 2036. It was created using mktime functions.

  • Dane Joe
  • This program takes the first letter of your first name, and switches it with the first letter of your last name. For example: Jane Doe would become Dane Joe.

  • Diceroll
  • This program either rolls one or two dice and then graphs the results.

  • Hex Code Generator
  • This program randomly generates a hex code and then makes the color of the page equal to the hex code generated.

  • Dynamic Page
  • This program loads multiple different pages in one document, using the $_GET variable.

  • XML Blog
  • This blog was generated by using a for loop and calling certain tags of an XML document.

  • XML
  • This is the XML document I used to generate the blog.