Vikram Aikat - Blog

July 12th, 2013

I made a PHP Tutorial using php and html. It was very fun to do, and I learned how to use many interesting PHP functions. I am very excited about using subversion to create a tutorial with all of my other fellow apprentices. I hope to do as well next week.

I am most proud that I made a PHP tutorial. It came out looking very nice, and I think that it was very helpful to those in need. I am most proud that I was able to help all of the other apprentices by making a tutorial that explains that basic functions of PHP to them. I am also proud that I was able to complete my first week's projects in a timely manner.

I am hoping to learn more about PHP in general and use it in my website. I hear that we are going to be able to start a PHP project next week. We have to complete the projects that Ernie and Krista have assigned us. They should be fun, and not too hard to do.

Eric H helped me with many of the bugs that I had to fix, as he knows a lot about PHP. Amalan was unable to help me, but he did give me level best, so I commend him. Nilesh helped me with $_POST, as Amal was unable to, instead he was busy fixing his own code and peer mentoring others, but not me. Kevin and Zach helped me by fixing small errors in my code. Zach helped me with subversion, too. Kevin found a whole semi colon, and that revolutionized my site.

I helped Amal a lot with his tutorial. He had many functions to complete, and handed a bunch of them off to me. It made my job harder, but it was worth it for the warm feeling I got inside when I realized that I had helped a fellow apprentice. I helped Kevin to debug some code, and gave him some helpful suggestions, which he ignored.