Vikram Aikat - Blog

February 2nd, 2013

Today we started to work on learning Javascript. We started out with Aaron giving us an example of how a robot/computer works and how specific the instructions we give the computer needs to be. We then divided into groups and worked on creating a calendar on the board, with one of us pretending to be a robot. Then we started to learn about the different Javascript data types. There are strings, which are just a group of letters, numbers, which are numbers, booleans, which are true/false statements, undefined, which is undefined, arrays, which is a number that contains a set of other numbers, null, a placeholder and object, which is something with functions, and a set of properties. We then talked about casting, which is when you turn one data type into another. I then had to leave for a Mock Trial competition. Amal later helped me to catch up on what I had missed.