Cops and Robbers Models

About Us

Hello. We are apprentices in the Shodor Apprenticeship program. As part of this program, we were tasked with the creation of a model to solve this problem:

The Problem

The town of Mayberry has developed a crime problem. The citizens of Mayberry were concerned that the criminals in their town were getting richer and richer, while the citizens stayed the same, or even became poorer. They hired some police officers to take care of the crime problem - asking the police to take the stolen money back from the robbers and return it to the bank. The police didn't always help that much, though. Sometimes they held onto the money they confiscated rather than returning it. Other times, the police officers didn't even catch the criminals, so the criminals just kept their stolen money.

Your Assignment

Sheriff Andy Taylor has hired you to model crime activity of Mayberry in order to give him advice about how he can better control crime. He wants to know how he can ensure that the citizens prosper and the criminals don't become richer than their victims. Also, he wants the police to have a low amount of confiscated money, so they don't get rich off the criminals. The Sheriff wants a good understanding of how citizens, robbers, and the police officers interact, both on an individual level, and in a larger, global sense. Thus, he has requested for you to build two models of Mayberry: a System Model (using Vensim) as well as an Agent Model (using AgentSheeets or NetLogo).