Vikram Aikat - Blog

August 2nd, 2013

I learned how to use Pagerender and how to use Snap2 to make a website that can be edited later in Snap2. It was very painful to use, but it was an interesting experience. I also learned how to properly make a website when I was given an image of the site. I also learned how to use JS to make some cool functions.

I am most proud that I finally finished my Blackjack program. It was hard to make, and it took a long time to do. In the end, I learned a lot from making the program and I also learned a lot about how I make programs. I am very inefficient in making functions, apparently.

I am hoping to go into the Shodor Internship Program in the upcoming year. It should be really fun to do, and I hope that I make it into the program. It should be really fun to do, and I should be able to learn a lot. I also hope to learn how to program in Java, as I am taking a class for it this year and should be able to use it to make my Shodor programs better.

Eric helped me a lot with many of the problems that I had with Page Render. Kevin also helped me to add jQuery to my site this week. Kaleb helped me with understanding color contrast and how to implement it into my site. For example; black text does not go on a black site.