Vikram Aikat - Blog

July 26th, 2013

This week, I learned how use MySQL and how to properly make a database. I also learned how to use PHP to extract or inject more information into the database. Monte also taught us how to work in groups and how to understand how to work with others. I am really excited that I was able to create a database this week.

I am most proud that I was able to create a database this week. I am also proud that I was able to work in a group with my group mates and get a nice project done. We created a very nice website and were able to get the job done on time. I am proud that we were able to present it in such a nice way, too.

I am hoping to learn more about MySQL in the future. I also hope that I can create a nicer database and make it more functional. David created a really nice JS graph for the project. I hope that in the future, I will learn how to do that.

Monte helped me a lot, from teaching us MySQL to fixing out problems. Eric H. also helped us to fix all of our bugs that we were having. Kevin helped me to learn how to use jQuery properly. Nilesh also helped me to fix some typos in my work.

I helped Nilesh with his database. I helped to fix a lot of the bugs that were in it. I also helped Kevin and David with the project. I helped by working hard and getting it done right.