Vikram Aikat - Blog

July 19th, 2013

I learned how to use PHP to make multiple programs. It was very fun to do, and I was able to make my programs work well. I also worked hard and got the PHP Tutorial finished (almost). Finally, I started to use some jQuery and learned how to make some cool animation in my site.

I am most proud that I was able to learn how to code in php. It was very fun to do, and I hope that I can use MySQL to make a database in my site. I also am proud that I was able to improve my website. Finally, I was able to make a cool animation using jQuery.

I am hoping to learn more about MySQL in the future. It will help me to add some cool features to my site and help to make my programming knowledge more advanced. I hope to learn more about it next week. After that, I want to work on my Blackjack program.

Amalan and Eric and Krista helped to make the PHP Tutorial better and to fix SVN issues. Kevin helped me a little with jQuery. Nilesh helped me to make better judgement of my site's colors. Zach helped me by teaching me that deleting things is not always the best approach.

I helped Amal a lot with the PHP tutorial, and worked with him to make it better. I helped Diya, Tejal and Nilesh to learn how to use basic Bootstrap. I helped many of the workshop students with their issues. I also helped me sister, outside of Shodor, with her website.