Vikram Aikat - Blog

October 27,2012

We started off the class by going over the events and information that we covered last Saturday. Ernie told us that his pet peeve was when people send him e-mails and do not write their name in the e-mail. Ernie then told us about the requirement of meeting out mentor at least once a month.

We then learned how to connect to the Shodor Network using our personal computers at home. A Mac user will: Download Cyberduck and Text Wrangler, there is also FileZilla. A PC user will: Download Putty, WinSCP, Notepad++. As I am a windows user, I took notes on the windows section:

Or, if you want to use a GUI:

After this, we had the rest of the day to work on our sites. I changed my site completely, adding new css and adding my blogs to the actual site.