Vikram Aikat - Blog

June 17, 2013

Today was the first day back to Shodor since the end of the Spring Module. Our first task was to finish up all of our work from the other modules. I first had to do my 10 finger disease model. This did not take me much time, as we were given a very generous starter code. This model simulates a person coming to a doctor to check if they have a disease. There are up to 10 people and each person has 10 fingers. There is a 7% chance for each finger to be infected, and if one finger is infected, the whole person is infected. The program then displays whether or not each person is sick or healthy.

After finishing that, I had to make a High Level Design (HLD) sheet for a project that another apprentice would complete. I based mine off of the game series Harvest Moon and asked the Software Engineer to make a farm simulator. After finishing this, I worked on other aspects of my site.