With agentsheets, you can visualize how everyone is moving around at a more specific level, whereas in Vensim it is just a theoretical model of what is occuring. With Vensim however, you can apply the chart to real life statistics, whereas Agentsheets models the data as a simulation. Therefore in Agenthsheets, the data is harder to view and analyze
I think that the Agentsheets model would be more useful for our customer, because the customer would be able to visualize the specifics of what would happen in the town, and what he could do to solve it. In Vensim, it is simply an overview of the statistics, and does not provide a tangible model.
The most challenging part was the implementation of the currency system. We remade our model several times in different fashions in order to implement this, and it was something that could have been done in many ways.
I am most proud of making the characters change without lag in between the transitions.