Burning Trees

Agent Models

By Rohan Kashyap And Om Nerurkar

Required Software

These agent models are made on a website called AgentCubesOnline.

Each model links to a page with three options: Play, Design, and Edit. Play allows you to watch the model run up close, design allows you to add or remove individual agents, and edit allows you to change everything about the model, from the code that governs agents to the size of the world. In order to change the simulation properties, go to "Settings" in the top right corner, click "Show Simulation Properties," and edit.

To start the model, click play. To stop the model, click stop. To make a lightning strike, click on the hand tool and click on a wet or dry tree.

Forest Fires

Model Story: The agent model illustrates the effects of saturation and inherent tree protection on forest fires.

Representation: The red trees are burning, the grey trees have been burnt, the green trees are dry, and the blue trees are heavily saturated from close proximity to bodies of water. Finally, the orange trees are redwoods that have thick bark to protect themselves from nearby fires.

Scale: On a smaller scale, the forest burns slower relative to itself. On a larger scale, the forest burns at a faster rate relative to itself.

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