Forest Fire

This is an agent model of a forest fire.

Model Tools

  • World Tool: Resizes the world
  • Reload Tool: Reloads the world to the point at which it was last saved
  • Save Tool: Saves current world (NOTE: World save will be erased if the page is closed or reloaded)
  • Clear Tool: Clears the world
  • Run Tool: Runs the simulation
  • Stop Tool: Stops the simulaton
  • Step Tool: Moves the simulation forward by one time step
  • Select Tool: Selects agents and shapes in the world to view agent attributes
  • Draw Tool: Places an agent or shape
  • Multi Insert Tool: Places a grid of agents or shapes (Click and drag)
  • Erase Tool: Erases an agent or shape
  • Hand Tool: Clicks an agent or shape (Can be used to trigger certain things)
  • Speed Tool: Sets simulation speed
  • Model Rules

  • If a healthy tree is touching a burning tree, then the healthy tree has a certain percent change of catching on fire.
  • If a tree is a wet tree, it has a lower percent chance of catching fire when next to a burning tree than a dry tree.
  • If a healthy tree is clicked on by the hand tool, then it will turn into a burning tree with a 100% chance.
  • If a burning tree has been burning for a certain amount of time, then it will become a burnt tree.
  • Simulation Properties

  • BURN_PCT_CHANCE: Edits the percent chance that a dry tree will burn. The percent chance a wet tree will burn is always 1/3 of this.
  • BURN_TIME: Adjusts the amount of time that a burning tree will burn.