
Bubonic Plague HLD Document This is the HLD document for our simulation of the bubonic plague that we used Vensim,Agent Cubes and Excel to model. The HlD contains all the details for how we planned to execute the respective models.

Bubonic Plague Agent Sheets Model This is the AgentSheets Model that our group utilized to simulate the events of the Bubonic plague and was quite possibly the best model to do this task because of it's visual capabilities.

Vensim Black Death Model This is the Vensim Model that our group utilized to simulate the Bubonic Plague outbreak. This was a very helpful model in that it gave us a complete understanding of how the plague was spread.

Personal Office Ethics Assignment This is my personal office ethics assignment that was assigned to us by Mr.Ronald Broadnax. This project enabled me to get a better understanding of ethics in the workplace and helped me personally improve on my ethics through completing this assignment.

Black Death Excel Model This is the excel model that we used to simulate the bubonic plague. Personally, the excel model was the most challenging one to work with and posed a great amount of difficulties. However it was a great visual medium to see what exactly happened to the populations of the mice and humans.


​Link​​ " This simulates a forest fire. Trees are generated randomly. When the user clicks somewhere in the forest, a fire will start. The fire will spread across the trees next to it. My partner was Nikkhil Niranjan. (3/5/2015 - 4/9/2016) "