July 1st, 2016

Today I read the Inkscape tutorial on Shodor's website. I learned a lot about Inkscape and I am ready to begin making basic shapes and designs. I made a nice logo for myself that I will be putting on my website.

June 30th, 2016

Today Aaron helped me work on my Vensim model. We made all the variables we needed and we slowly tested things out. I remember when Dr. Panoff told us we should always have copies of previous versions, and save our work frequently so if we mess something up we can restore. I think this concept is really important and it definitely helped me when creating my Vensim model.

June 29th, 2016

Today was my day to do documentation. Documentation is something that all Shodor apprentices have to do. You have to sit through one of Shodor's workshops and write 400 words talking about your observation and experience in the workshop environment. I talked about the things the students learned during the workshop. The workshop was on programming in Objective C. Aaron was teaching basic programming concepts to students. I also had to take pictures of things the students and instructors were doing.

June 28th, 2016

Today I finished most of my Agent Cubes Online model and tomorrow I plan to completely finish it and move on to the Vensim model for my project. Aaron helped me with my model because I was having trouble using Agent Cubes.

June 27th, 2016

Today I started working on my project. I created an Agent Cubes Online model. I created the agents for kelp, fish, and sharks and made them move randomly around the screen. I am also reading the Vensim tutorial on Shodor's website to refresh myself before I build the system model.