July 22nd, 2016

Today we learned about density and buoyancy. We were assigned a project to make a boat and predict how many marbles it could hold without sinking. In the afternoon we worked on our SQL projects.

July 21st, 2016

Today we did some basic structural engineering with Ron. We were supposed to make structures with some provided supplies that could hold as many marbles as possible. In the afternoon we worked on PHP and MySQL.

July 20th, 2016

Today I had reception duty in the morning. I worked on my SQL project all day and then we learned about subversion with Keith in the afternoon. Subversion allows you to update projects and sync them with other collaborators.

July 19th, 2016

Today we did another engineering project. We got a set of electronic components containing a breadboard and some wires and LEDs. We made out own electric clock that flickers an LED. In the afternoon we started working on an SQL project.

July 18th, 2016

Today we did an engineering project in the morning that Ron assigned us. We are going to be learning more engineering projects this week. In the afternoon, we worked on PHP and MySQL with Ernie. He showed us how to connect to a database and print out tables using PHP.