Oct. 24, 2015

Today we began by reviewing the answers to the questions we were assigned by Dr. Panoff last week. I found it amazing that everyone got wildly different results depending on the source they used. It taught me a lot about always using a credible source. Later on, Ernie and Joel showed us how to SSH into the Shodor network and update our websites from home. We also went over the basics of Vim, a powerful text editor that runs within a terminal window. Vim has many shortcuts and commands for quickly navigating around text files. I will need to practice Vim to learn and remember all of the commands, but it seems like a good investment for the future.

Oct. 17, 2015

Today Dr. Panoff held a seminar. He asked us some interesting questions about math and science. He was trying to get us to find efficient ways of solving problems. He also talked about source credibility, and we were assigned a task to find the answers to various questions by using a credible source. After that, we were given some time to begin working on our Shodor websites.

Oct. 10, 2015

Today was my first day at Shodor as an apprentice. We learned the basics of what we will be doing at Shodor. Although we didn't do any modeling or programming today, it was important to learn about the Shodor rules. I also met some new friends, Israfil and Brandon. Overall, it was a great introduction to the program that made me feel welcome.