Linked from here is some stuff that I have written (and, in some cases, the comments others have made). You can mail your comments on this stuff to and demand to have them put on the site. If you want to.

The thing that actually convinced me to put all of this here were my thoughts on mathematics education and how it might be changed for the better. My motives in putting these things here are entirely selfish--I don't want to have to re-explain them to people, I want to encourage myself to write things down, I want to give my ideas a false sense of legitimacy by having them on a web site somewhere, etc.

First, I have a bunch of mail from the nctm-l (now math-teach) mailing list with two things I wrote: a threat that I was going to spew forth some opinions and ideas, and, later, my following through on those threats.

Knowing myself as I do, I wouldn't be holding my breath, if I were you, waiting for either a) more to be put up here or b) something worthwhile to be put up here (or c) spelling and grammar corrections, for that matter), but my intention is to add useful thoughts should I find that any blow into my head by mistake* (I am, after all, a bear of very little brain).

* winnie the pooh reference