The other prevailing opinion is that I need to get out a lot more.
I guess I should give credit where credit is due--for all the cajoling, harrassing, threatening, encouraging I got from colleagues that wanted me to put up a home page, what finally convinced me to do it was a valentine's day present from my wife's dad. It's a scanned and sharpened image of his father and mother, which I thought was so cool I wanted to show it to someone. And thus, this page. (And I hereby declare you to be someone.)
Well, I could have ended it there, but since I'm typing, I might as well ramble a little. I have a couple more to-die-for pictures, mostly because of my aforementioned daddyhood. These are worth looking at:
Well, I have to get back to mutilating the C language. More later as events warrant.
Well, events warranted:
Hi Matt! Joe (who also works here) saw your page and sent me the URL. It was cool to see you (or at least your tracks) again. I'm in touch with John Boys and Mike Hinton, if you want to contact them. John is a professional philosopher now (you'll have to ask him what that means) and Mike is teaching physics in Urbana, Illinois.
Hi Angie! Send me mail, and I'll post you another message.