Relationship between Java™ DB and Derby

Java™ DB is Sun Microsystems' supported distribution of the open source Apache Derby 100% Java™ technology relational database system.

The Java™ DB product includes Apache Derby without any modification whatsoever to the underlying source code.

Java™ DB technical support is available for purchase through Sun Microsystems.

Because Java™ DB and Apache Derby have the same functionality, the Java DB documentation refers to the core functionality as Derby.


New to Derby?
Using Derby
This Distribution
More Resources

New to Derby?

If this is your first time using Derby, please look at the Getting Started Guide [HTML Book] [PDF] for assistance configuring your environment, creating a new database, and executing SQL statements.

Interested in seeing some code that makes use of Derby? There are also some simple demo applications included to help you understand how to start using Derby in your application.

Derby includes some tools to help you get started working with Derby databases. Additional information about these tools can be found in the Derby Tools and Utilities Guide [HTML Book] [PDF].

If you need more help getting started, the Apache Derby website has a Quick Start page with links to tutorials, more demo applications, and instructions on how to use Derby with a variety of different IDEs, tools, and web application servers.

If you need additional help, the Apache Derby Users mailing list can be helpful if you have specific questions regarding setting up and using Derby. For information on how to subscribe and post to the Apache Derby Users mailing list, please read the mailing lists page on the Apache Derby website.

Using Derby

For information on developing and deploying an application with Derby, see the Derby Developer's Guide [HTML Book] [PDF]. A complete reference to Derby's use of JDBC and SQL can be found in the Derby Reference Manual [HTML Book] [PDF].

Derby's JDBC API is documented in two sets of javadoc:

For information on setting up and using the Derby Network Server, which provides a client/server access model for Derby databases on machines connected over a network, please read the Derby Server and Administration Guide [HTML Book] [PDF].

Information on how to tune Derby for your specific needs can be found in Tuning Derby [HTML Book] [PDF]. This guide includes a reference to the properties which influence Derby's behavior as well as providing performance tips for certain situations.

This Distribution

Please consult the following documents for details on the contents of this distribution and how this distribution is licensed.

More Resources

If you are looking for more resources on how to use Derby in your application or integrate Derby into a specific environment, please see:

Thank you for your interest in Derby!