st_00 serial stommel model with no mpi st_01 mpi with 1d decomposition st_02 2d decomposition using communcator routines MPI_COMM_SPLIT st_03 2d decomposition using communcator routines MPI_COMM_SPLIT processor 0 outputs the grid uses MPI_Gatherv st_04 2d decomposition using communcator routines MPI_COMM_SPLIT processor 0 outputs the grid uses MPI_Gatherv Uses asyncronous communication with MPI_ISEND and MPI_IRECV. st_05 2d decomposition using communcator routines MPI_COMM_SPLIT processor 0 outputs the grid uses MPI_Gatherv Uses MPI_Sendrecv for communication. st_06 2d decomposition using communcator routines MPI_COMM_SPLIT processor 0 outputs the grid uses MPI_Gatherv Uses MPI data types with MPI_TYPE_CONTIGUOUS and MPI_TYPE_VECTOR along with MPI_SEND and MPI_RECV st_07 2d decomposition using communcator routines MPI_COMM_SPLIT processor 0 outputs the grid uses MPI_Gatherv Uses Presistent communications with MPI_SEND_INIT and MPI_RECV_INIT normal input file st.short short running input file plotit: This program will convert a Plot3D file into a pair of files suitable for use with GNUplot Usage: golden % plotit This program will convert a Plot3D file into a pair of files suitable for use with GNUplot Please Enter the Plot3D format input file name: out3d_000 Dimensions of input file: NI: 202 NJ: 202 NK: 1 0 5.08452e+07 You should now be able to execute the command: "gnuplot gnuplot_commandfile" to get a 2D XY contour plot and postscript printable output. Normal Termination. golden % golden % golden % gnuplot gnuplot_commandfile generates a file which can be seen which ghostview. script files: makefile runf and runc are pbs files