matrix generated 12.6889999993145 of size 4399 beam= 89.76364 94.76364 99.76363 4399 did solve 15.7280000001192 using :cgesv matrix generation time 12.6889999993145 matrix solve time 15.7280000001192 total computaion time 28.7300000004470 matrix generated 15.0939999967813 of size 4799 beam= 89.76364 94.76364 99.76363 4799 did solve 20.3350000008941 using :cgesv matrix generation time 15.0939999967813 matrix solve time 20.3350000008941 total computaion time 35.7699999995530 matrix generated 17.7170000001788 of size 5199 beam= 89.76364 94.76364 99.76363 5199 did solve 25.7799999974668 using :cgesv matrix generation time 17.7170000001788 matrix solve time 25.7799999974668 total computaion time 43.8649999983609 matrix generated 20.7820000015199 of size 5599 beam= 89.76364 94.76364 99.76363 5599 did solve 32.0940000005066 using :cgesv matrix generation time 20.7820000015199 matrix solve time 32.0940000005066 total computaion time 53.2789999991655 matrix generated 23.5850000008941 of size 5999 beam= 89.76364 94.76364 99.76363 5999 did solve 39.3190000019968 using :cgesv matrix generation time 23.5850000008941 matrix solve time 39.3190000019968 total computaion time 63.3209999985993 matrix generated 26.6370000019670 of size 6399 beam= 89.76364 94.76364 99.76363 6399 did solve 47.6330000013113 using :cgesv matrix generation time 26.6370000019670 matrix solve time 47.6330000013113 total computaion time 74.7180000022054 matrix generated 30.1009999997914 of size 6799 beam= 89.76364 94.76364 99.76363 6799 did solve 56.9409999996424 using :cgesv matrix generation time 30.1009999997914 matrix solve time 56.9409999996424 total computaion time 87.5380000025034 matrix generated 33.6939999982715 of size 7199 beam= 89.76364 94.76364 99.76363 7199 did solve 67.5570000000298 using :cgesv matrix generation time 33.6939999982715 matrix solve time 67.5570000000298 total computaion time 101.750000000000 matrix generated 37.5080000013113 of size 7599 beam= 89.76364 94.76364 99.76363 7599 did solve 79.0969999991357 using :cgesv matrix generation time 37.5080000013113 matrix solve time 79.0969999991357 total computaion time 117.131000000983 matrix generated 41.5469999983907 of size 7999 beam= 89.76364 94.76364 99.76363 7999 did solve 92.1099999994040 using :cgesv matrix generation time 41.5469999983907 matrix solve time 92.1099999994040 total computaion time 134.211999997497 matrix generated 12.0159999988973 of size 4399 beam= 89.76364 94.76364 99.76363 Initializing CULA Calling CULA_cgesv 14.2459999993443 Shutting down CULA 4399 did solve 1.46999999880791 using :cula matrix generation time 12.0159999988973 matrix solve time 1.46999999880791 total computaion time 30.9340000003576 matrix generated 14.3159999996424 of size 4799 beam= 89.76364 94.76364 99.76363 Initializing CULA Calling CULA_cgesv 14.3909999988973 Shutting down CULA 4799 did solve 1.80099999904633 using :cula matrix generation time 14.3159999996424 matrix solve time 1.80099999904633 total computaion time 33.9409999996424 matrix generated 16.6160000003874 of size 5199 beam= 89.76364 94.76364 99.76363 Initializing CULA Calling CULA_cgesv 14.3640000000596 Shutting down CULA 5199 did solve 2.24399999901652 using :cula matrix generation time 16.6160000003874 matrix solve time 2.24399999901652 total computaion time 36.9970000013709 matrix generated 19.4010000005364 of size 5599 beam= 89.76364 94.76364 99.76363 Initializing CULA Calling CULA_cgesv 14.3300000019372 Shutting down CULA 5599 did solve 2.70199999958277 using :cula matrix generation time 19.4010000005364 matrix solve time 2.70199999958277 total computaion time 40.4250000007451 matrix generated 22.2960000000894 of size 5999 beam= 89.76364 94.76364 99.76363 Initializing CULA Calling CULA_cgesv 14.3670000024140 Shutting down CULA 5999 did solve 3.28700000047684 using :cula matrix generation time 22.2960000000894 matrix solve time 3.28700000047684 total computaion time 44.2379999980330 matrix generated 25.3520000018179 of size 6399 beam= 89.76364 94.76364 99.76363 Initializing CULA Calling CULA_cgesv 14.4990000016987 Shutting down CULA 6399 did solve 3.83699999749660 using :cula matrix generation time 25.3520000018179 matrix solve time 3.83699999749660 total computaion time 48.2590000033379 matrix generated 28.5890000015497 of size 6799 beam= 89.76364 94.76364 99.76363 Initializing CULA Calling CULA_cgesv 14.3079999983311 Shutting down CULA 6799 did solve 4.51599999889731 using :cula matrix generation time 28.5890000015497 matrix solve time 4.51599999889731 total computaion time 52.4649999998510 matrix generated 32.0190000012517 of size 7199 beam= 89.76364 94.76364 99.76363 Initializing CULA Calling CULA_cgesv 14.3130000010133 Shutting down CULA 7199 did solve 5.29500000178814 using :cula matrix generation time 32.0190000012517 matrix solve time 5.29500000178814 total computaion time 56.7750000022352 matrix generated 34.7670000009239 of size 7599 beam= 89.76364 94.76364 99.76363 Initializing CULA Calling CULA_cgesv 14.2940000034869 Shutting down CULA 7599 did solve 6.09599999710917 using :cula matrix generation time 34.7670000009239 matrix solve time 6.09599999710917 total computaion time 60.5560000017285 matrix generated 38.2249999977648 of size 7999 beam= 89.76364 94.76364 99.76363 Initializing CULA Calling CULA_cgesv 14.2680000029504 Shutting down CULA 7999 did solve 7.07799999788404 using :cula matrix generation time 38.2249999977648 matrix solve time 7.07799999788404 total computaion time 65.3509999997914