# builds versions of the matrix inversion test programs # some use the cula GPU library while some use other # more standard packages # programs using the g95 or gfortran or nagfor compilers # the *cuda programs link against the cula library cuda1: fourd nrf nrf.cuda fourd.cuda wing.dat #programs using the intel compilers or mkl #see the LIBS settings below intel: mklc mklf fourd.mkl fourd.intel wing.dat #programs using the portland group compilers pg: fourd.pg wing.dat G95OPT=-fno-second-underscore #all of these Fortran compilers work fine for cuda/cula programs #note the option for the g95 compiler FOR=g95 $(G95OPT) FOR=gfortran FOR=nagfor #location of version 10 and 11 of MKL. Use #one or the other. These will change in #the future. LIBPATH=/opt/intel/mkl/ LIBPATH=/opt/intel/Compiler/11.0/081/mkl/lib/em64t LIBPATH=/opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/069/mkl/lib/em64t #LIBPATH=/opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/076/Frameworks/mkl/lib/em64t #There is a bug in the Intel 10 compiler that #prevents psgesv.f90 from working correctly at #optimization greater than -O1 OPT=-O1 #For Intel dynamic linking use the next setting for LIBS. #You will need to set your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environmental #variable to point to LIBPATH or you might get an error #message about "cannot open shared object file" LIBS= \ -L$(LIBPATH) \ -lmkl_scalapack_lp64 \ -lmkl_intel_lp64 \ -lmkl_blacs_openmpi_lp64 \ -lmkl_sequential \ -lmkl_core \ -lpthread #For Intel static linking use the next line for LIBS. LIBS= \ $(LIBPATH)/libmkl_scalapack_lp64.a \ $(LIBPATH)/libmkl_intel_lp64.a \ $(LIBPATH)/libmkl_blacs_openmpi_lp64.a \ $(LIBPATH)/libmkl_core.a \ $(LIBPATH)/libmkl_sequential.a \ $(LIBPATH)/libmkl_core.a \ $(LIBPATH)/libmkl_sequential.a \ $(LIBPATH)/libmkl_core.a \ -lpthread #mac don't include the parallel stuff LIBSM= \ $(LIBPATH)/libmkl_intel_lp64.a \ $(LIBPATH)/libmkl_sequential.a \ $(LIBPATH)/libmkl_core.a \ -lpthread #various versions of the Portland Group Libraries LIBSPG= -L/opt/pgi/osx86-64/9.0/lib -llapack -lblas LIBSPG= -L/opt/pgi/linux86-64/9.0-4/lib -llapack -lblas LIBSPG= -L/opt/pgi/linux86-64/10.0/lib -llapack -lblas wing.dat: airfoil.py chmod 700 airfoil.py ./airfoil.py 400 mklc: mkl.c icc -o mklc mkl.c $(LIBS) mklf: mkl.f ifort -o mklf mkl.f $(LIBS) fourd.mkl:fourd.f90 ifort -O3 -o fourd.mkl fourd.f90 $(LIBS) dofit:dofit.f90 ifort -O3 -o dofit dofit.f90 $(LIBS) fourd.pg:fourd.f90 pgf90 -O3 -o fourd.pg fourd.f90 $(LIBSPG) fourd:fourd.f90 cgesvnag.o $(FOR) -O3 -o fourd fourd.f90 cgesvnag.o fourd.intel:fourd.f90 cgesvintel.o ifort -O3 -o fourd.intel fourd.f90 cgesvintel.o cgesv.o:cgesv.f90 $(FOR) -O3 -c cgesv.f90 cgesvgnu.o:cgesv.f90 $(FOR) -O3 -o cgesvgnu.o -c cgesv.f90 cgesvnag.o:cgesv.f90 $(FOR) -O3 -o cgesvnag.o -c cgesv.f90 cgesvintel.o:cgesv.f90 ifort -O3 -o cgesvintel.o -c cgesv.f90 nrf: nrf.f90 $(FOR) -O3 nrf.f90 -o nrf nrf.cuda: nrfcuda.f90 $(FOR) nrfcuda.f90 -O3 -I$(CULA_ROOT)/include -L$(CULA_ROOT)/lib64 -lcula -lcula_fortran -lcublas -lcudart -o nrf.cuda fourd.cuda: fourdcu.f90 cgesvgnu.o $(FOR) fourdcu.f90 -O3 cgesvgnu.o -I$(CULA_ROOT)/include -L$(CULA_ROOT)/lib64 -lcula -lcula_fortran -lcublas -lcudart -o fourd.cuda clean: rm -f fourd.mkl fourd fourd.pg nrf mklc mklf *.o *mod out.dat wing.dat a.out nrf.cuda fourd.cuda fourd.intel tar: tar -czf agm129.tgz airfoil.py cgesv.f90 cudaonly.f90 do2 do3 doit dopg false fourdcu.f90 fourd.f90 \ makefile mkl.c mkl.f nrfcuda.f90 nrf.f90 Readme results small source.dat true