module galapagos type thefit sequence real val integer index end type thefit end module module sort_mod contains subroutine Sort(Ain, n) use galapagos type(thefit), pointer :: work(:) type(thefit), pointer :: a(:) common /bonk/ a,work !$OMP THREADPRIVATE (/bonk/) integer n type(thefit), target:: ain(n) allocate(work(n)) nullify(a) a=>ain call RecMergeSort(1,n) deallocate(work) return end subroutine Sort recursive subroutine RecMergeSort(left, right) use galapagos type(thefit), pointer :: work(:) type(thefit), pointer :: a(:) common /bonk/ a,work !$OMP THREADPRIVATE (/bonk/) integer,intent(in):: left,right integer middle if (left < right) then middle = (left + right) / 2 call RecMergeSort(left,middle) call RecMergeSort(middle+1,right) call Merge(left,middle-left+1,right-middle) endif return end subroutine RecMergeSort subroutine Merge(s, n, m) use galapagos type(thefit), pointer :: work(:) type(thefit), pointer :: a(:) common /bonk/ a,work !$OMP THREADPRIVATE (/bonk/) integer s,n,m integer i, j, k, t, u k = 1 t = s + n u = t + m i = s j = t if ((i < t) .and. (j < u))then do while ((i < t) .and. (j < u)) if (A(i)%val .ge. A(j)%val)then work(k) = A(i) i = i + 1 k = k + 1 else work(k) = A(j) j = j + 1 k = k + 1 endif enddo endif if(i < t )then do while (i < t ) work(k) = A(i) i = i + 1 k = k + 1 enddo endif if(j < u)then do while (j < u ) work(k) = A(j) j = j + 1 k = k + 1 enddo endif i = s ! the next line is not in moret & shapiro's book k=k-1 do j = 1 , k A(i) = work(j) i = i + 1 enddo return end subroutine Merge ! this subroutine takes two sorted lists of type(thefit) and merges them ! input d1(n) , d2(m) ! output out(n+m) subroutine merge2(d1,n,d2,m,out) use galapagos implicit none type(thefit), pointer :: work(:) type(thefit), pointer :: a(:) common /bonk/ a,work !$OMP THREADPRIVATE (/bonk/) integer n,m type(thefit),intent (in):: d1(n),d2(m) type(thefit), intent (out):: out(n+m) integer i,j,k i=1 j=1 do k=1,n+m if( out(k)=d2(j) j=j+1 elseif( out(k)=d1(i) i=i+1 else if(d1(i)%val .gt. d2(j)%val)then out(k)=d1(i) i=i+1 else out(k)=d2(j) j=j+1 endif endif enddo return end subroutine merge2 end module sort_mod program test use galapagos use sort_mod implicit none integer i,j,k,m,di,k1,k2 integer OMP_GET_MAX_THREADS integer, allocatable :: kstart(:),kend(:) type(thefit),allocatable :: data(:),output1(:),output2(:) write(*,*)"sort in fortran" i=32 allocate(data(i)) do j=1,i call random_number(data(j)%val) data(j)%index=j write(*,*)data(j)%index,data(j)%val enddo write(*,*) ! m=4 di=i/m allocate(kstart(m),kend(m)) kstart(1)=1 kend(1)=di do j=2,m kstart(j)=kend(j-1)+1 kend(j)=kstart(j)+di enddo kend(m)=i write(*,"(8i5)")kstart write(*,"(8i5)")kend !$OMP PARALLEL SECTIONS !$OMP SECTION call sort(data(kstart(1):kend(1)), kend(1)-kstart(1)+1 ) !$OMP SECTION call sort(data(kstart(2):kend(2)), kend(2)-kstart(2)+1 ) !$OMP SECTION call sort(data(kstart(3):kend(3)), kend(3)-kstart(3)+1 ) !$OMP SECTION call sort(data(kstart(4):kend(4)), kend(4)-kstart(4)+1 ) !$OMP END PARALLEL SECTIONS do k=1,m write(*,*)"start of section ",k do j=kstart(k),kend(k) write(*,"(i5,1x,f10.8)")data(j)%index,data(j)%val enddo enddo !$OMP PARALLEL SECTIONS !$OMP SECTION k1=kend(2)-kstart(1)+1 allocate(output1(k1)) call merge2(data(kstart(1):kend(1)),kend(1)-kstart(1)+1, & data(kstart(2):kend(2)),kend(2)-kstart(2)+1,output1) !$OMP SECTION k2=kend(4)-kstart(3)+1 allocate(output2(k2)) call merge2(data(kstart(3):kend(3)),kend(3)-kstart(3)+1, & data(kstart(4):kend(4)),kend(4)-kstart(4)+1,output2) !$OMP END PARALLEL SECTIONS call merge2(output1,k1,output2,k2,data) write(*,*)"ending list " do j=1,i write(*,"(i5,1x,f10.8)")data(j)%index,data(j)%val enddo end program