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What did you learn today or this week that you're most excited about?

I refreshed myself on windows active directory and ldap.


What did you do that you are most proud of?

Reviewed some of the basic network commands like nslookup and traceroute.


What have you heard about that you are hoping to learn more of?

Had issues running drbdadm it would terminate with a exit code.


Who (among Shodor staff and your peers) helped you the most? How did they help you?

Tyler has been a big help with the changelog he has been placing on the freezes banner.


Who did you help? How did you help them?

I helped an intern they had issues logging out of the timeclock at the frontdesk. I refreshed the browser then we were able to log out.


What major task did you accomplish/complete this week?

Had a network issue on my workstation it had a self assigned ip address (169.254.X.X) restarted the network device to fix it. Cleaned out webmaster queue of spam.
