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What did you learn today or this week that you're most excited about?

I was informed of a issue on reflections that when a user typed in infomation Safari would crash. Joel told me autofill problem where when you imported autofull infomation it cause Safari to crash. So turning off the options to import autofill infomation would be a fix. I edited the file within ~/Library/Preferences to change AutoFillMiscellaneousForm to NO and AutoFillAddressBook to NO. Send the fix to Joel to place on all new users. I learned about a new Intern joining the sysadmin team. Monday I was told I could help him find his strengths and if need be get him up to speed.


What did you do that you are most proud of?

Added some new alias to my .alias the shortcuts are really helping. Cleaned out webmaster queue. Intern Lab was having possible connectivity issues. Ran the cable tester and checked if ethernet was able to connect to the network and ping outside. Noticed that two of the ethernet cables would cause the workstation to lose connection if bumped or moved. One of the results from the cable test showed one of the workstations at half duplex. Cleaned up the classroom from the classes that happened. I changed some of the CSS on my web site and added a mail to link.


What have you heard about that you are hoping to learn more of?

I am hoping to refresh some of more terminal flags and vi shortcuts. Learn a new programming language.


Who (among Shodor staff and your peers) helped you the most? How did they help you?

Steve helped me take out the cardboard and can recycling. Jenny sent me a updated class notes on google docs.


Who did you help? How did you help them?

Trey had me test hard drive that was having issues mounting logged on to fedora box the drive mounted properly ran iostat, smartctl, both results where fine. Running Badblocks now.
