Portfolio Assignments
- Inkscape and Gimp Photos
- Ships in a Storm Models
- Website HLD
- Responsive Website
- Programming Concepts Syntax Guide
- Random Background Colors
- Dane Joe
- Dice Statistics Roller
- Calendar
- Background Selector
- Dynamic Webpages
- XML Blog
- coinEmbed
- coinRender
- Forms Validation Demo
- MySQL Syntax Guide
- Relational DB
- ER Group Drawing
- Dice Roll Database
- Quality Assurance
Ethics Homework
Think about the long term effects of your decision on personal interaction and business productivity in a real business environment.
Excel Experiments
Includes dice model.
Programming Concepts
Includes a working scrollbar for the pets model and a working checkbox for the slope model.
Iteration Examples
Includes a working clock, and a working diffusion model.
Rabbits in Vensim
This rabbit model includes birth fraction, competition, and death.
Change vs Behavior
This model shows how behavior is affected by change.
Healthy and Sick Vensim
This Healthy+Sick model shows healthy people getting sick.
Healthy and Sick Extension Vensim
Extensions to Healthy+Sick in Vensim. Adds immunity and recovery to the model.
Simple Population
This is a simple implementation of a model of population growth where the change in the population per unit time is proportional to the population itself. HAVE = HAD + CHANGE.
A model of a thing moving randomly in a world.
A model of a disease spreading in a population. It includes sick people recovering from the disease after a certain amount of time and a graph of the sick and healthy populations.
Forest Fire Model
A model of a fire spreading in a forest. Fire spreads from one tree to another based on a percentage. When it spreads to an adjacent cell, the fire duplicates itself and places the copy into the empty cell.
Parallel Computing Notebook
Parallel computing is beneficial because it saves time and increase work production and efficiency.
Parallel Computing Notebook
Parallel computing is beneficial because it saves time and increase work production and efficiency.
Summer | Block 1
A whole webpage of awesome graphics I created with Inkscape and Gimp.
This webpage contains both Vensim and AgentCubes files that model how ships manage in a storm.
This high level document lays out my plan and design for my new website.
A website that can be viewed on screens of all sizes.
Summer | Block 2
This syntax guide is the road to a basic understanding in JavaScript, PHP, and Python.
This PHP program uses a random function to make a hex color code that is used as the page's background color.
Enter your first and last name and this program will switch the first and last letter of each name. Jane Doe becomes Dane Joe
No need to use physical dice anymore! This dice roller program virtually rolls dice and creates a bar chart to diagram the data that is collected.
This calendar generates a display of any potential month. Just enter what day of the week it starts on and how many days it has.
This improved background color program uses cookies to save the page's color so when you leave the page and come back the color is still the same.
This dynamic webpage was created with the amazing help of Miguel. It is responsive, meaning that it is adjusted for both the small screen, large screen, and every size in between. It loads content using $_GET.
This short blog page displays text from an external XML file.
This demo shows the benefits of embedding PHP in HTML.
This demo shows the benefits of rendering HTML in PHP.
This demo shows how to validate a form to remove script tags and other dangerous information.
Summer | Block 3
This syntax guide is the road to a basic understanding in MySQL.
This database demonstrates linking together tables using a foreign key.
This diagram drawn by Huny shows the relationships between the tables in the database.
Fill out this 5 question survey and it will enter your data in a MySQL database. A combination of PHP and MySQLi is used to enter and query user data for name, favorite color, shoe size, and dice rolled.
This document lists all errors found in my entire website.