Hello! My name is Luka Ashe-Jones and I am an apprentice at Shodor for the 2016-2017 year. As part of our work at Shodor, apprentices are required to write blogs describing our activities for each day that we work at Shodor. In the navigation bar above you can find links to each of the blogs that I have written over the past week, divided into six sections.
The 'Fall' section is for the blogs written from October 8th, 2016, to January 21st, 2017. The 'Spring' section is for the blogs written from February 4th, 2017 to April 22nd, 2017. The summer was split into four different blocks. The first block covers the blogs written from June 19th to June 30th, the second the blogs from July 10th to July 21st, the third the blogs from July 31st to August 4th, and the fourth the blogs from August 7th to August 18th.