Guestbook Entries Anastastios says: Once upon a time there was a truck full of mayonaise that spilled on the side of the road. Victoria says: Are you sure? I thought it was the mustard that spilled. Cassandra says: Yea, and it wasn't just any sort of mustard... it was HONEY mustard. Anastastios says: That is the most frightening kind. Beatrice says: You guys are all crazy! It was an ice cream truck, not a mayonaise truck!! Cassandra says: But who would make a truck out of ice cream? Victoria says: Wait... ice cream trucks are MADE of ice cream? I thought they just ran on ice cream powered fuel. Beatrice says: ??? Anastastios says: Right, so after all that mayonaise/mustard/ice cream spilled, a giant hurricane came headed towards the land...