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August 1 2011

Today before starting back on the Javascript project, I decided to get the SNAP2 tutorials out of the way. It took longer than I thought it would because I kept getting fatal errors. Jenny helped me fix it and it was fine until it said my images weren't expected. I made one simple change and it worked! As for the coin flip model, I got the variables to appear when there isn't an else function but when I added it, they disappeared. After searching all over Google, I found the perfect code and it worked perfectly. The last thing I had to do was add a reset button and the first few codes I tried cleared the numbers visually but when you flipped the coin again, it wouldn't start back at 1. That's fixed and now I'm completely done with my Javascript project.

To clean up my projects a little, I added some of the CSS and HTML coding for my website to the models so it looks...well done.