Oct. 5th 2013
During this week Ernest gave an orientation and showed us how to create an index.html that we will use to create a website for our blogs. The blog that we create will be about what we learned during the time we spent at the Shodor Apprenticeship Program. The websites that we create will also have the projects that we worked on. Ernest also thought us all the commands that we would need to helps us create and open files while in the terminal.
Nov. 2nd 2013
Today I learned about the different types of modeling and how they are related to each other or could have the same appearance. Dr. Pennof taught us that by using one object you can create multiple models. He gave each apprentice a rope which we used to create multiple objects like a snake or a pretzel.
Nov. 11nd 2013
This week I learned about how to create a model using vensim. In vensim there are certain variables you can use that can affect the outcome of the model. I created a model of hungry people and not hungry people. The amount of people that is hungry and not hungry was affected by the amount of people that were sick, the people that were sad, and the people that excercised.
Nov. 16th 2013
Today I learned how to create a model using agent sheets. I created a model of fox and hounds, where the hounds would be able to track the fox using a variable called sent. I also made a safe zone for the fox by having the zone change the scent. Thid alllowed the fox to escape the hounds, but if the fox was to leave the safezone he would be tracked by the hounds again. I was also able to control the fox using arrow keys.
February 8 2014
Today I learned how to create functions using text wrangler. We also learned how to create and change the variables in the function to where we can create a for loop functions that is continually executed if the if statement is always true.
February 22 2014
Today I worked on my website and fixing the issues that Ron showed me . I also presented my cops and robbers model today. Phil showed me how I was able to create it into an applet so that iI could have it on my website for the presentation. Then I presented it to with Sai.
March 1 2014
Today we learned about parallel computing. We ran models that used shared and distributed memory. The programs that ran shared memory would share information with each other to complete a process. The model that ran distributed memory would divide the work and combine it to complete the process.
March 8 2014
Today I learned about how how powered computing is used to create models to help in sports, cars, medicine, and manufacturing. I also learned about main parts of a computer and that you can make a computer that will be two times faster than these macs.
March 15 2014
Today I learned more about parallel computing and about algorithm. We all rebooted our computers so we could use bccd and the computers became linked
April 5 2014
Today I worked on the Forest Fire project with my partner Zack. The project required us to create a model of a forest fire that had a certain percentage that all the trees would burn.
April 12 2014
Today I got to work on my Forest Fire project. I am learning more about using commands in Java while working on this project and i learned how to use the myPen command.
June 18th 2014
Today I worked on creating a HLD (High Level Design Document).A HLD is a scenario where you are given a problem and you will have to make a model based on the set of instructoins that was made by the project manager. I used the Art Walk,Anew scenario to create my HLD. I posted the HLD on to my website so it could be used by anyone. I then took an HLD that was created by a fellow apprentice and started making a model based on the instructions.
June 19th 2014
Today I worked on creating a model of one of my fellow apprentices HLD. The model was about how people would change the color of the close they wore depending on whether that color is popular and whether they liked the color or not, which was the resistance. I made a counter for the model (which was optional) and it counts the number of people that is wearing the colors red, blue, green, or yellow and I used those values as a variable that will allow the world to change to any color that had 12 or more people wearing it.
June 20th 2014
Today I added some new features to my Fashionista Phil model. I added a a new rule which would allow people to change colors based on a colors popularity. I also changed the way the world will change colors. Instead of changing colors when a color has 12 or more people, it will change colors to which ever color has the most people.
June 23rd 2014
Today I started to change my website so that it could be compatible with other devices. It can detect whether a smartphone or table is in a certain position and changes the size of the text and pictures that are on the site. I also gave a command to change its colors.
June 24th 2014
Today I worked on my website again and tried to edit the compatibility features that I added. I had to adjust some of the measurements. I also created a logo that I added next to my name. Im am currently trying to add a drop down menu when the website is being accessed by a Android or Iphone.
June 25th 2014
Today I tried to make a drop down menu for my navigation menu on my website. The drop down menu will provided mor space for the content and more space for me to add more links to the menu. I also did documentation and typed a brief summary on what happened in the workshop.
June 26th 2014
Today I worked on perfecting on the drop down menu for my website. I made the drop down menu for the Shodor Resources and I made it so when you hover over any word in the menu or navigation bar the border and background color change. I also added a background image to the website instead of having just a background color. Then I made another link to my website that I am going to try to make the entrance page of my website, so whenever anybody visits my site they will go to a page where you would have to click an enter button.
June 27th 2014
Today I worked on my website again. I added a style switcher using javascript, and it allows anyone that is viewing my site to change between a default style and an alternate style. The alternate style just changes the colors of the text, background, and borders, and it also changes the picture of the logo. I haven't gotten it to change the background image of the entire site though. I also made a Final Website Design HLD. The HLD is of a website that we will be using late in one of the summer blocks.
July 7th 2014
Today Joel thought us how to back up our projects using svn. This also allows us to work together with each other cause we can access each others files and see what they have done. I also learned how to create a animated image in Gimp. I created an image of a maze with a green dot that goes around trying to find the exit. When the dot reached a dead end I made the letter F appear to show that it has failed. Then I added the image to the alternate css style for my website and it is the logo.
July 8th 2014
Today Joel taught us how to create random numbers and letters in a html using php. One of the examples that we created was that it would change it would change the background color of the webpage when you refresh because we made it have a random number and letter generator and used that to make the color of the background. Then he let us decide on what projects we want to do individually and I decided to make a calendar in php. The php is supposed to generate a calendar fo any month and I will have to use a loop and if else statement to create the columns and rows.
July 9th 2014
Today Joel taught us how to create functions, how to create classes, and how to import a php into another php file. I worked on completing the php calendar. I have made it so that it will create a table fo whatever month and year you enter in the table. I also created a css stylesheet for it so that the calendar has some type of style to it. Then I added a link to my website so that anyone can access it.
July 10th 2014
Today Joel taught us how to make an xml for or php files. I worked on a php that switched the first and last letters of your first and last name. I also added that to my website and it is called The Switch PHP. Then I started working on a php that would allow the user to select the background color by using a drop down menu. Then it will save the cookie so if the person was to leave and then com back it will keep the background color.
July 11th 2014
Today Joel taught us how to use cookies. I worked on creating a background selector php. This php allows you to select the color of the webpages background by using the drop down menu. I finished it to were you can select the background color you want but I need to create a cookie so that the webpage will stay that color if you close out of the window. I also created a dice roller php. It uses a random number generator to chose 2 random numbers and it finds their sums.
July 14th 2014
Today we worked on data bases and created multiple tables using myqsl. I also worked on my dice statistics and background selector projects. I made the dice statistics stop showing an error for there being no value for the number of rolls when you first opened the page. And for the background selector I made a cookie so that your background selection could be saved for an hour so if you leave and comeback within an hour your selected color is still there.
July 15th 2014
Today we worked on databases again and we learned how to update and change tables. I started to work on the dynamic pages project and the xml blog project. For the xml blog project i already have all of my blogs on the page and I am going to try to add a next button so that you can switch between the blogs.
July 16th 2014
Today we worked on databases again and we learned how to join tables with mysql. We combined our tables into a php file and it showed the information that we created and combined, but if a variable that was in one of the tables and was not in another, then that variable or information will not be displayed. I also worked on my dynamic pages project. If you were to go to the project you could type the name of a color or type in the hex code of a color and the background of the website would change.
July 17th 2014
Today I started to make a game using php. The game will be rock, paper, scissors. You will select what item you would want to use then the computer would choose a random one. I also helped convert some files from a document into html.
July 21st 2014
Today we learned about engineering and trusses from Ron's interns. There was an applet that we used to create trusses and see what members in the truss would be compressed or have tension.
July 22nd 2014
Today we learned about regular expression which is a pattern describing a certain amount of text. And we used what we learned about trusses and created a tower out of straws and pipe cleaners.
July 23rd 2014
Today we learned about electrical engineering. We learned about voltage and resistance, and made a circuit on simulator. Then we took the circuit that we made on the simulator and made on using a circuit board. The first on we made was used to cut on a LED light. The second that we made we used a chip that made the LED light blink.
July 24th 2014
Today I helped build a LittleFe. I also did a project involving velocity. We created ramps that we rolled a ball down a recorded the distance that it landed at. The we had to find the height that we should launch it from so that it could land inside of a cup.
July 25th 2014
Today I worked I started a project called Zoch's Snowflake. I used javascript to create the program that will create a snowflake using recursion. Then I learned about velocity and made a boat out of straws and cardboard boxes. We had to calculate the velocity of the boat so that we could figure out how many marbles it can hold. Then we put the boat in some water and started to fill it up with marbles to see if we were right.
July 28th 2014
Today I worked on my Zoch's Snowflake project. I managed to get the snow flake to show when I change the number of intervals. Then I added a drop down menu so the user can change the intervals. I also worked on my Ajax project.
July 29th 2014
Today I worked on making my Forest Fire project so that instead of causing all of the trees catching fire it would only make whatever percent the burn rate is as the percent chance that all the trees would born. And I worked on making a resume of my experiences and eduction.
July 30th 2014
Today I started a project that requires me to use myqsl and php. I had to make a store that would show items for sale and the amount of items, the customers order history and the customer can sign in.
July 31st 2014
I fixed the drop down menu for my Koch Snowflake project, so now instead of staking a new snow flake on another when you change the intervals it will clear the canvas then make the new snowflake. I also added another company to my Ajax Project and changed the css style for my website when it is accessed by a device that has a window less than 600px.