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What Is This program?

This project models the interaction of bouncing balls within a contained environment. It is based off of an Agentsheets model which models the same principles. This project was created by Rohin Shahi and Jack Shade during their summer Apprenticeship, 2015. The different settings of the model are explained below.

How To Use?

Simply click on the canvas to add a ball. The ball will be created wherever the cursor is located. Balls will each have a starting direction, color, and unique velocity.

Is Bounce Enabled?

Check this box to allow the balls to bounce off of one another. If bouncing is disabled, the balls will pass through each other, but still bounce off of the walls.


All balls will have a default size of 10px by 10px. This size can be changed using the size slider bar. Move the bar left and right to change the size of the balls.

Number of Particles

This function counts the number of particles on the canvas.

Flip Background

This setting flips the background color of the model from white to black, and vice versa. This is useful if the color you have selected is too dark or light to see on the current background of the model.

Canvas Resize

Change the size of the canvas using this setting. First select the desired width and height, in pixels, then click the Resize button. Recommended values vary depending on screen size, but we find that a width between 500px and 1200px and a height between 300px and 700px work well in most cases.

Color Selector

The balls will have a default color of blue, but this color can be changed using the dropdown color selector. First, select the color you want, then click the Choose Color button to change the color.


Each ball, when generated, has its own velocity. This is a speed randomly generated from 1 to 5. There is no corresponding slider bar for this attribute.