( ! ) Warning: mysqli_connect() [function.mysqli-connect]: (HY000/2003): Can't connect to MySQL server on 'mysql-dev.shodor.org' (113) in /home/itairf/public_html/index.php on line 6
Call Stack
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No connection: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'mysql-dev.shodor.org' (113) Itai's Website


Hello, my name is Itai Rivkin-Fish and I am an apprentice at Shodor. This website was created as one of my responsibilites at Shodor. Shodor is a non-profit organization that among other things, apprentices high-school age kids to learn about computer modeling, programming and more. Shodor also hires interns, many of them past apprentices. My goal is to later on become an intern.

A little about myself: before starting Shodor, I knew the basics of programming, but much less JavaScript, HTML, and CSS that I know now. I go to East Chapel Hill High School, the #141 worst (most rigorous) high school in the country. My hobbies/interests include (or did at the time of me writing this) hardcore gaming, casual gaming, chess (on occasion), computers, and the internet. I was born in Kentucky on April 1, 1999. I am a big fan of the Kentucky Wildcats for this reason, but other than that I don't watch sports too often.