My Projects:
Below is a list of the projects I have completed working with Shodor.
The second block of the shodor summer schedule involved php. Most of today we worked on learning the basics of php and then making a dice roller like the one we made using javascript (see below). Here is mine.
During the instruction part of the day, we also made a mad lib using php.
Another php project we were asked to do was make a website with dynamic pages using php and passing information through the url.
Here is a version of the calendar below built using PHP. This one works for all 2012.
We also made a random hexadecimal color generator for a website.
Another project that we had was to create a website using php where we could change the background of the website and store the color in a cookie so that the color would stay when the user navigated off of the site.
Also, we made a name switcher that switches the first two letters of two names entered into the text field.
Lastly, we were challenged to build a blog using xml and php. Here is the result. Most challenging one yet, mainly because we were not taught anything about xml, had to google it all on our own.
Web Design Project
Our second week project was to create a website design to use with our website. We were also given the option of implementing it with a javascript switcher if we had time. I have done so with one of my designs. The rest I'll put here when done. I will also upload all pictures of ernie as I make them.
My first Banner

My Second Banner

A Snake Banner

Design 1 (Current Design)

Design 2. (Think I like this more)

Design 3. (Skyrim!)

Here is a rough preview of what that would look like

The Statue of Ernie

Included in this unit was a tutorial on the web for css techniques for responsive web design using media queries. I have now implemented this so that my website automatically scales when the window gets smaller. When it gets small enough, the nav bar moves to the top of the screen and becomes horizontal.
Deer and Lynx AgentSheets Modeling Project
On the first week of our summer session, we were asked to complete an HLD document and use it to build an AgentSheets model showing the interactions between deer and lynx in a field. The model was required to show deer eating grass, grass growing back, lynx eating deer, deer and lynx reproducing when full, deer and lynx eventually dying of old age or starvation, and deer and lynx offspring eventually maturing into adults. You can find the model here.
JavaScript Final Projcet
For our final project, we were asked to create a model in javascript based off of a model that we had previously done. For the project, I decided to work with Marc Harris and collectively, we decided to work on an infection model using the canvas attribute of HTML5. Here it is.
As an introduction to programming, we have been using javascript to do several things. One such thing is to roll two dice a certain number of times, add the result, and display it in the format of dots (Ex: 2 = ..). Here is the end result. Originally, one bug was that the webpage would have to be reloaded to view the content of the original page. That has now been fixed.
Also, we were asked to do a project with the coloring of sections using the setTimeout() function. If you click on the divs, they will recolor themselves.
Another thing we were asked to do was use the canvas element to draw boxes that would moove randomly. These boxes have a random color and turn red when they hit the side. Click the canvas to restart.
The last thing we were asked to do with javascript was to create a calendar by printing the days and numbers line by line. This calendar is for the month of May, 2012.
Cops and Robbers.
During January, 2012, the apprentices at shodor started working on one of two projects that they had the option of choosing. My group chose to model the "Cops and Robbers" scenario and built and AgentSheets model and a Vensim model. A working copy of the AgenSheets model and a screen shot of the Vensim model may be found on my group's project website.
For my Ebola project, the assignment was to work with a partner to create a model a disease and add something, like doctors. I did this and also included the ability for healthy people to run away from sick people. When the day ended, there were a couple flaws in the model. The most noticible on being that the healthy people ran away till they encountered the boarder of the model, then got stuck. Given the time, I would have liked to change this. However, on the whole the project went remarkably well. Here is the model: Ebola Model
AgentSheets Homework.
After finishing our AgentSheets unit, we were required to take data exported to excel and modify the equations discussed in class so that our excel model matched the data from AgentSheets. Here is the graph I ended up with, where interactions is the variable controlling the percent of the possible interactions that can take place that actually occur.

AgentSheets epidemic model.
On Dec. 10, 2011 during the Shodor apprentice lab my group and I worked on altering an AgentSheets epidemic model by adding doctors and having sick people separate themselves from healthy people. Both of these ideas reduced the average extent of the epidemic. Here is the data we collected:
Extent | Peak | Duration |
296 | 56 | 201 |
408 | 109 | 110 |
1 | 1 | 2 |
338 | 51 | 152 |
401 | 76 | 150 |
367 | 59 | 112 |
1 | 1 | 1 |
1 | 1 | 1 |
423 | 104 | 119 |
1 | 1 | 3 |
2 | 2 | 7 |
1 | 1 | 1 |
410 | 64 | 167 |
340 | 59 | 129 |
398 | 82 | 149 |
1 | 1 | 3 |
1 | 1 | 3 |
412 | 82 | 128 |
This data set differs from the original model by showing reduced extent, peak, and duration.
SSP summer workshop.
I have participated in the SSP workshop before, and made several models as well as a seperate website for that occasion. For the final project my group and I made a model on AgentSheets for the pollination of a field by bees. We also made a vensim model to go along with this and put it up on a website. Unfortunately I do not have any examples of the project to put here at the present.