Forest Fire

JavaScript Model

Link to Model

How to Run

Click on the link above. Click on the agents on the left side of the page and and click on squares in the world to fill the square with that agent. When you have filled the world with the agents you want click the arrow button at the top of the screen. To stop the simulation press the square button at the top of the screen. To re-do the world press the button at the top of the screen with a curved arrow.

How to Change Parameters

To change the size of the world click on the button at the top of the page that has a world on it. To change the percent chance that a Healthy tree will turn into a burning tree change the Spreadchange property on the right. To change the percent chance that burning trees are extinguished by firemen change the Extinguish property on the right. To change the amount of time it takes for a burning tree to die change the Burn_countdown property.
