About our project

Our project is about how poachers hunt and kill endangered rhinos and afterwards, sell their horns for profit. Rangers will arrest poachers if they are caught hunting and killing endangered animal. The poachers have a percent chance of escaping from the rangers. The rangers will be able to save/rescue a endangered animal if they come into contact with them. The animals have a birth rate but it is extremely slow.

What we learned from this

What we learned from this experience is that when you start from just to words to a large diagram, that you need to carefully evaluate how you work on it. You could start a large palette and envelop the diagram step-by-step by breaking down the diagram each word and equation. You could also start small and enlarge the diagram. Each time you create or unravel a new word or equation, look to see if the diagram works out and if it doesn't, then you could look back and at what you did wrong.


Our Detailed Story

Possible Extensions we could have added

We wish we could have added some kind of natural disaster which has an effect on both the poachers and animals. The disasters would have had a percent chance to either kill the poachers or kill the animals. We also wish we could have used a rate at which the animals anger rate, that if it is high enough, when a poacher comes near, they will attack the poacher in self defense. One last thing that we wish we could have added were other different types of endangered animals that the poachers could poach.

Made by: Christopher Parker and Sachin Amaresh