(01) bacteria= INTEG ( birth-death, 10) Units: bacteria (02) birth= bacteria*birth rate Units: bacteria/Hour (03) birth rate= 0.5 Units: 1/Hour (04) death= bacteria*death rate Units: bacteria/Hour (05) death rate= IF THEN ELSE( (MODULO(Time ,1 ) = 0), ((0.5*PULSE(Time, TIME STEP))/TIME STEP ) , 0 ) Units: 1/Hour (06) FINAL TIME = 10 Units: Hour The final time for the simulation. (07) INITIAL TIME = 0 Units: Hour The initial time for the simulation. (08) SAVEPER = TIME STEP Units: Hour [0,?] The frequency with which output is stored. (09) TIME STEP = 0.25 Units: Hour [0,?] The time step for the simulation.