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Blog XML

This is my XML file to show my blog throughout the school year. It doesn't show any of my blog from the summer.

October 4, 2014 - First Day -

Today, we learned about presentations and what we are going to accomplish this year. We also learned work ethics and how we should present ourselves at work. Also, we met other apprentices and staff members that we would work with later in the future.

October 11, 2014 - How do you know? -

Today, we learned about different measurements and evidence/proof known in our world. We looked at different science words and how they apply to our science world. Also, we looked at different problems for example, bouncing two balls on different surfaces. We found out how computers use a base 2 system and other interesting facts.

October 18, 2014 - Modeling -

Today we learned about diffusion and modeling. We used Microsoft Excel to create models of diffusion. We did different models, starting with temperature colors, then pets, and finally diseases. We learned different variables you can use to make scrolls on Microsoft Excel. We also reviewed the four four's assignment that we started last week.

November 1, 2014 - Command Lines -

Today, we learned about unix. We learned different command lines like 'cd' and 'ls' in terminal. We also learned how to make, edit, move, copy and delete files using terminal. Lastly, we also learned about why not to use Microsoft Word for making websites and why text editing sites should be used.

November 8, 2014 - Modeling -

Today, we learned more command lines, like how to copy files from servers. We learned how we can edit files from home when working on projects. We also started using Vensim for system-based modeling. We made a model to show infected people, susceptible people, recovered people, and those who have died from the disease. We worked with box variables, rates, auxiliary variables, and connectors on Vensim.

November 15, 2014 - Modeling -

Today, we finished learning about Vensim. We used box variables, rates, auxiliary variables, and connectors to finish our model. We started using Agent Sheets today. We made a agent-based model to show susceptible people, infected people, immune people, and dead people and their relationship. We learned different behaviors with Agent Sheets.

November 22, 2014 - Partner Modeling -

Today, Ojas, Megan, and I started our partner modeling project. Megan started with the Vensim part of the project and Ojas and I started the agent sheets modeling. We made fish, tagged fish, and seals to present our model. We finished our first model with a normal model without any tagged fish and we are finishing our second model now.

December 6, 2014 - Partner Modeling -

Today, I continued our project with AgentSheets. I recreated our first AgentSheets, then I added the second AgentSheets with tagged fish and and I'm starting to add tagged seals for the last AgentSheets. Next week, I'm planning on finishing the AgentSheets project.

December 13, 2014 - Last Day of Shodor For the Quarter -

Today, Ojas and I finished our AgentSheets Model. We finished our balance, current, and rebalance AgentSheets model. These models represent fishes, seals, tagged fishes, and tagged seals. I am also finishing my website.

February 7, 2015 - First Day of Spring Shodor -

Today, we started programming concepts. We started with a program called "Bouncing Particles" where we changed the width, height, and other variables in the program. Then, we looked at error consuls and how we can experiment and use them. Afterwards, we looked at making a program that can convert celsius to fahrenheit. We ended with making a program that can tell math quadrants.

February 21, 2015 - Programming Concepts -

Today, we finished learning about if statements and loops and how and where to use them. We also began learning about objects, arrays, and functions. We learned about how and where to use objects, arrays, and functions. We also learned to use a combination of objects and functions.

March 7, 2015 - First Day of Partner Project -

Today, we started the programming concepts project. It involves using fish and seals like our first project, but instead of using AgentSheets, we are programming. We made the fish and seal reproduce and we gave them eating resources. Next week, we will finish the project.

March 14, 2015 - Partner Project -

Today, my partner Lesley and I finished our programming project. We completed adding the scent to tagged fish, how to track the number of seals and fish, and added untagged fish. We have prepared ourselves for when we present next time at Shodor.

April 4, 2015 - First Day of Parallel Computing -

Today, we began parallel computing. We learned how to bring up VirtualBox and liberate bccd. We also learned about the top 500 supercomputers from November 2014. The United States has 6 of the top 10 supercomputers in the top 500 list. Blue Waters, a supercomputer in Illinois, has decided not to become part of the top 500 list even though it could be placed in the list. Today, we started a completely new topic, and I can't wait to get more into programming concepts in parallel computing.

April 18, 2015 - Parallel Computing -

Today, we revisited BCCD. We learned about the language C which is used in parallel computing. We leasrned how to make a program that calculates the area of a circle. We are now working on how to calculate pi by dividing a circle into 10 rectangles.

May 9, 2015 - Make-Up Day -

Today, I finished my magic 8 ball program that I missed and I presented my Seals and Fish Project. The magic 8 ball project was extremely interesting because it was made from a series of if statements. I enjoy working with if statements in computer programming. Also, I presented my Seals and Fish computer program. It was amazing to revisit my project after some time.

May 9, 2015 - Make-Up Day Part 2 -

Today, I finished the parallel computing program. My parallel program finds the value of pi. I also finished my website. All my projects are finished on my website.