My Projects
Excel Model - Rabbit Population
This is an Excel model built with Dr. Panoff that shows the population of rabbits over time. The parameters of the model can be manipulated to model different situations. This is an example of system modeling, a form of modeling that shows the whole system.
Vensim Model - Rabbit Population
This is a system model built with Dr. Panoff that was made with Vensim. Vensim is a system modeling software used by professionals and educators for modeling. This model is similar to the previous model in that it models the population of rabbits over time. The parameters can also be manipulated to model different situations.
Vensim Model - Healthy and Sick Sim
This is another system model built with Dr. Panoff that was made in Vensim. This models the numbers of healthy and sick people in a population. The healthy have a percent chance of being infected, and those who are infected can infect others.
AgentCubes Model - Healthy and Sick Sim
This is an AgentCubes model built with Dr. Panoff that models the number of healthy and sick people in a population. This is an example of agent modeling as you model the interactions between agents. The parameters can be adjusted to model different situations.
JavaScript Agent Model - Healthy and Sick Sim
This is another disease agent model that we worked on with Aaron. This model was written in JavaScript to teach us programming concepts. We completed different 'levels' of the JS program to help teach programming concepts. This strictly models disease (however there is a version of JS modeling called JAM).
Inkscape Logo

This is an image made with Inkscape. Inkscape is a vector graphics editor which can be used to make art, charts, logos, etc.