Summer Projects
PHPThis is a newdev folder for specific projects. A username and password is required.
LogosThis is a collection of name logos, initial logos, abstract logos, a collage, and a favicon.
Dane Joe -> Jane DoeThis webpage takes the first letter of your first name and switches it with the first letter of your last name. Ex: Dane Joe -> Jane Doe.
Random Hexadecimal Code GeneratorThis is a webpage that generates a random six digit code to display a different background color every time you reload the page.
XML BlogThis is an XML Blog that is made from a .xml file and a .php file.
The Mad Page FlipperThis webpage is a dynamic website that contains a dynamic navigation bar.
Coin Flip Forms ModelThis webpage allows you to submit your desired amount of coins to flip. Statistics on your flips will be displayed after you submit your form. There is a POST and a GET method for the forms.
Original Coin Flip ModelThis model flips 250 random coins every time you refresh the page. The results will most likely be displayed at the top left of the screen, however this depends on your screen size.
Directory FormsThis is a webpage with three types of forms. Each of these forms will display your input at the top of the page.
2018 My Programming ConceptsThis is a webpage with tested php. A link to the syntax guide for this page is provided in the test page.
Coin Flip Render DemoThis is a coin flip demo model with a table that has been rendered.
Background Color SelectorThis page has a dropdown menu that gives you color options to choose from. If you successfully choose a color, the background will turn into that color.
Final Website HLDThis is an HLD for my final proffesional portfolio website.
Dice StatisticsThis is a dice roller simulator that allows the user to choose how many dice are to be rolled. The statistics then show up after an amount is chosen.
Quality Assurance DocumentThis is a quality assurance document that assures that the website has no errors or bugs. A list of all errors that were fixed are listed, as well as the solutions that were done.
Responsive Website Design TutorialThis is a website that was created by following a demonstration. The website is responsive meaning that it is ideal to use on any sized device by adjusting to the certain screen size that you are currently using.