
This is where all of my Shodor projects can be found!

My Ethics Project

This is the Ethics assignment that we sent to Ron, in which we were given a senario and were to give a response as to how we would go about fixing the problems.

AgentCubes Disease Model

This model is a very basic model of diseases spreading, with sick and healthy people. When the healthy humans (the green cubes) come in contact with the sick humans (the yellow cubes), the healthy humans become sick. This model utilises agentcubes.

Vensim Disease Model

This model uses Vensim to model a disease spreading; we have a birth rate, a natural death rate, healthy people, an infection rate, an immunity rate, sick people and a recovery rate. We could vary each of these and be able to see the impact on the rest of the model.

Bubonic Plague Model

This link leads to the project that we did as a group. Our topic was the black death. We created one Excel model, one AgentCubes model and one Vensim model. My group included Albert, Nikhil and I.

Commenting Out Assignment

This is the javascript of the ApproxPi function on Aaron's page, with all of the different parts commented out.

Our Forest Fire Project

This is our Forest Fire project. Darius and I worked on this project together. It simulates the spread of a fire, with the start of the fire being the place where the user clicks down.

Parallel Computing Notebook

This is a link to my parallel computing notebook- here you can find all of my notes on the parallel computing lessons from class.

HLD for Software Project Manager

This is my HLD from the software project manager assignment that we got. This was our first summer project at Shodor. My project was about how ants go out, find food and send signals to other ants from their nest through the use of pheromones. Another person will soon receive my HLD and will be responsible for creating a system model and agent model.

Responsive Webpage

This was the project that we made where the webpage provided to us was made responsive to different layouts. We watched a tutorial on how to do this and we just followed along based on the steps that they did.

Website HLD

This is my HLD for my website. It includes all of the information about my website, including it's purpose and the target audience. It also includes the updates I hope to add to my website- I hope to implement them really soon.

Caroline's HLD for my Models

This is Caroline's HLD- this is the basis for my next two projects. Caroline and I both made HLDs for the ant scenario, so they should both be pretty similar. I will make an agentcubes model for my agent model and a vensim model for my systems model- they will be listed and described below.

My Agent Model- Summer Project

This is my agentcubes project. This is based off of Caroline's Ant HLD. In this model, the ants randomly roam around, looking for sugar. When one of the ants finds sugar, it waits for 5 time steps on top of the sugar and then when it comes off, it leaves a pheromone trail which other ants will use to find the sugar. The pheromone trail also disappears after a while. This is a pretty comprehensive model showing ant behavior and how ants collect food for their nests. The user can add more sugar once all of the sugar is gone.

My System Model- Summer Project

This is my system model that I created on Vensim. It is quite different than the model that I created for my agent model since I could not think of each ant; instead, I had to think about the whole system of ants and figure out how to manipulate all the variables to create a working model. This model is much more complicated than all of my past Vensim models and I am pretty proud of how it came up!

Inkscape and Gimp Projects

This is the link to my Inkscape and Gimp projects. This was part of our summer block 1 projects list. These projects include using Inkscape and Gimp to enhance, alter and create new pictures. I learned several new techniques through the tutorials that we had to complete, and my final products can be seen by clicking on the link above.

Photoshopped Picture of Ernie

This was a project that we did for fun where we photoshopped Ernie's face onto whatever we wanted. I photoshopped him into a scene with Ironman and Thor- he's just standing there with his drink in his hand. I used Gimp and Inkscape to photoshop this picture.

Practice PHP Exercise 1 Practice PHP Exercise 2

These are the two practice exercises that we did in class when we were first learning about PHP. We did some of them together and we did some of these independently, with help from the interns when needed.

Random Hexcode Generator

This page comes up with a random 6-digit hexcode, which then displays the corresponding css color.


This was a calendar that I created using php. It has all 365 days in 2016 arranged in their correct months. I used multiple tables to do this.

Background Selector

This is a page that has a dropdown menu, from which you can choose a color that you want the page to be and then change it.

Dane Joe

This page has a first and last name blank- when you type in a first and last name, it will switch the first letter of the first and last name.

Dynamic Pages

The dynamic pages project displays different body messages when you click on the different links at the top of the page.

Dice Roller

This dice roller simulates rolling 1-5 die.

XML Blog

This is my XML blog page that loads it's content from a XML file.