BME Bact Gene Cloning


Bacteria Gene Cloning Simulation. Walk through the process of creating Bacteria that are used to produce insulin! Be sure to follow directions, such as that you will need to start the simulation after instructions pop-up throughout the exercise.

* * * * Controls: * * * *

* * * * Use A to insert plasmids, * * * *

* * * * S to change to the first solution, * * * *

* * * * and D to change to the last solution. * * * *

Changing Sim Properties

Note that when changing properties, you must wait until after the first command prompt text box appears. Once you close it, To change the simulation properties, first click on the icon in the top right corner of the applet that shows a circle with a downward-pointed triangle. Then find the property labeled "SPop" and highlight the number next to it. Changing this number will change the number of initial bacteria, just replace with a number 1 through 9. Next find "Plasmids" and highlight the number next to it; This controls the amount of plasmids inserted. Select and replace with "1" for a lot of plasmids, "2" for many plasmids, "3" for some plasmids, and "4" for a few plasmids.

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