Bungee Jump

Case Facts:

On the evening of March 8, 1999, Sally Suehappy was brought to the hospital with a possible concussion from hitting the ground after a bad Bungee Jump. She is suing the Happy-Go-Lucky Carnival for damages. Mrs. Suehappy signed an agreement at the Carnival stating that she weighed less than 80 kg, the carnival's limit. You are a forensic expert, and have been asked to testify in regards to your findings. Use the following information and the Bungee Jumping Model to decide how you will testify:

The lawyers will ask you these questions:

Is the platform actually 73 m?

If the woman was actually 79 kg and she had not been mistaken about her weight, would the jump be safe?

Who do you think should be help accountable for Suehappy's unsuccessful bungee jump?

(Note: You will only need to change the platform height and mass in the model)

Please Enter the Following variables:

Platform Height: meters

Time between iterations:seconds
(Note: dt greater than approximately .15 seconds (or, if you are changing the mass, 1/500 of the mass) will fail due to the limits of the calculation method used.)

Time it runs:seconds

Mass: Kilograms

Graph Size

Graph type:

Go to a: Metric Conversion Website

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