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What does this Model Represent?

This is a rather unusual model in that it does not directly represent numerical quantities. Instead, this model describes the learning process in conceptual terms, with components such as "content mastered" and "success rate". In particular, the model focuses on students entering a two-year school and progressing from matriculation to graduation.

What are the elements of this Model?

This model describes the transformation of students from freshman to sophomores and beyond. The transference between these states depends on a number of conditions, including classes taken, information acquired, content mastery, etc.

How do I use this Model?

After setting the parameters to your liking, simply click Run to run the simulation. The model will then output its results to a graph, which can be seen at the right.

What should I expect?

Changing parameters such as length of classes and classes per day will determine the proportion of students that achieve content mastery and go on to graduate.

Download the model file.