
Aligned Resources

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Virginia Standards of Learning
7th Grade
Probability and Statistics:
7.15 The student will identify and describe the number of possible arrangements of several objects, using a tree diagram or the Fundamental (Basic) Counting Principle.
Lesson  (...)
Lesson: Introduces conditional probability and the probability of simultaneous events.

Lesson: Introduces students to concepts that lead to probability.

Lesson: Introduces students to simple probability concepts.

Activity  (...)
Activity: Compare theoretical and experimental probabilities, using dice, cards, spinners, or coin tosses. Three different probabilities can be compared at once. Parameters: Type of probabilities, number of trials.

Activity: Experiment with the outcome distribution for a roll of two dice by simulating a dice throwing game. Parameters: Which player wins with which total rolled.

Activity: Simulate a game where two players each roll a die, and the lucky player moves one step to the finish. Parameters: what rolls win and how many steps to the finish line.

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