
Aligned Resources

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North Carolina Standard Course of Study
Grade 6
Number and Operations, Measurement, Geometry, Data Analysis and Probability, Algebra:
COMPETENCY GOAL 4: The learner will understand and determine probabilities.
Lesson  (...)
Lesson: Utilizes and reinforces concepts of probability, mean, line plots, experimental data, and chaos in analyzing a forest fire simulation.

Lesson: Introduces students to concepts that lead to probability.

Lesson: Introduces students to simple probability concepts.

Activity  (...)
Activity: Create a game spinner with variable sized sectors to look at experimental and theoretical probabilities. Parameters: Sizes of sectors, number of sectors, number of trials.

Activity: Run a simulation of how a fire spreads through a stand of trees, learning about probability and chaos. Track the results of multiple burns and use the data to draw conclusions.

Activity: Simulation of a coin toss allowing the user to input the number of flips. Toss results can be viewed as a list of individual outcomes, ratios, or table.

Activity: Compare theoretical and experimental probabilities, using dice, cards, spinners, or coin tosses. Three different probabilities can be compared at once. Parameters: Type of probabilities, number of trials.

Activity: Experiment with the outcome distribution for a roll of two dice by simulating a dice throwing game. Parameters: Which player wins with which total rolled.

Activity: Run a simulation of how a fire will spread through a stand of trees, learning about probability and chaos. Parameters: Probability that a tree will set fire to each of its eight neighbors.

Activity: Experiment with probability using a fixed size section spinner, a variable section spinner, two regular 6-sided dice or customized dice.

Activity: Run a simulation of how a fire will spread through a stand of trees, learning about probability and chaos. Parameters: Probability that a tree catches fire if its neighbor is on fire.

Activity: Learn about sampling with and without replacement by randomly drawing marbles from a bag. Parameters: Number and color of marbles in the bag, replacement rule.

Activity: Simulate a game where two players each roll a die, and the lucky player moves one step to the finish. Parameters: what rolls win and how many steps to the finish line.

Activity: Simulate a game where "N" players roll two dice, and the lucky player has an advantage for reaching the finish. Parameters: the number of players, number of trials and length of the race.

Activity: Create a game spinner with one to twelve sectors in order to look at experimental and theoretical probabilities. Parameters: Number of sectors, number of trials.

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